4 Ways Plastic End Caps Can Keep Your Product Safe

4 Ways Plastic End Caps Can Keep Your Product Safe

Plastic end caps may not look like much—after all, they’re simply pieces of plastic! However, these little tools can more than pull their weight when it comes to industrial safety. Whether you need a little extra security in transportation or thread protection, plastic end caps will get the job done. Read on to learn four ways plastic end caps can keep your product safe.

Round Off Rough Edges

Many products and pipes without rounded edges present a hazard in the workplace and on store shelves. A simple solution is to add plastic end caps to the edges. If an employee brushes up against the end of a sharp pipe, it could lead to a serious injury. When an employee bumps into a rounded end cap, they won’t even notice!

Reduce Chipping and Breaking

Not all products are made from resilient material. If your product is made of something fragile or breakable like glass, plastic caps and covers can reduce issues of chipping and breaking. A glass product chipping isn’t ideal for a few reasons—for one, you can’t sell a defective product. For another, shards of glass present a serious problem in any environment.

Safer Transportation

The transportation of any product can present the risk of product damage. Plastic end caps are affordable forms of protection that make transportation far less of a dilemma for your business. Find a plastic cap manufacturer that offers caps in the exact dimensions you need!

Thread Protection

Not all products require exterior end caps, but that’s okay! Polymer Molding also offers tapered caps to protect components with sensitive interiors. A tapered cap is the perfect way to keep threads safe and block contaminants from entering your piping.

Now that you know these four ways plastic end caps can keep your product safe, find a plastic cap supplier who can provide end cap solutions for you!

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